Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's December! Already?

Really? It's already December? This year has flown by. I have a suspicion that December will fly by even faster than the previous 11 months have. There is alot of knitting and sewing that needs to be done for Christmas. I've gotten a few things done but not all that I hope to (or need to) get finished.

Thanksgiving with family was wonderful!

Some November Knitting

"Winter Pear" by Mosaic Moon on Cestari Superfine Merino
Mosaic Moon "Winter Pear"

Mosaic Moon "Winter Pear"

"October Morning" by Mosaic Moon on Cestari Superfine Merino
Mosaic Moon "October Morning"

Mosaic Moon "October Morning"

"This Is How Much I Love You" (TIHMILY) by Lindsay of Family Roots on Bulky Organic Gaia
"This Is How Much I Love You" by Family Roots

"This Is How Much I Love You" by Family Roots

And finally some Christmas Items:
slippers pre-felting - approx 13" long before they were felted
used Bernat Felting Natural Wool - I much prefer the Paton's Soy Wool yarn! In my opinion the Paton's Soy Wool is more enjoyable to knit with. I also prefer the way the Patons SWS felts over the Bernat. Unfortunately I've got 2 more pairs of slippers to make out of the Bernat. :(
slippers for dd (pre-felting)

After felting - approx 7 1/2" long
dd's slippers

Another pair of slippers for a gift - used Paton's Soy Wool Stripes - pre felting approx 15" long
M slippers prefelted

felted - approx 9" long
M's slippers felted

M's slippers felted

SMSS Pinafore using Paton's Soy Wool Stripes
M's SMSS Pinafore

I also finished up my husband's socks but I've not gotten a decent picture of them. They do not want to cooperate with being photographed indoors and it's simply been too cloudy & gray & icky out here or too blustery and freezing to try to get a picture outdoors in natural lighting. Hopefully I can get a picture of them soon though and post. He seems to really enjoy them.

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